Интересности #119 30 июня 2018 Ссылки Комментарии (0) Вот какими статьями можно занять себя в свободное время. .NET Core .NET Core 2.1 June Update Blazor Application Bootstrap And Life Cycle Methods Flaw in .NET Core 2.1 Postpones .NET Core 2.0 End of Life .NET Core and Docker ASP.NET How to Create Health Checks in ASP.NET Core Communicate the status of a background job with SignalR Speed up compilation of ASP.NET Core 2.1 projects Refresh Tokens in ASP.NET Core Web Api ASP.NET Core Identity scaffolding Updating ASP.NET Core Identity to use Bootstrap 4 Azure How to export the list of Azure Resources to Excel? How to add custom HTML to Azure Portal Dashboard? How to start or stop multiple Azure App Services together? C# Customizing C# Object Member Display During Debugging Development tools Changes to script debugging in Visual Studio 15.7 Improving Logs in Visual Studio Team System (VSTS) with special ‘tags’ Getting started writing Visual Studio extensions Design Visitor as a sum type Machine Learning Machine Learning with ML.NET – Solving Real-World Regression Problem (Bike Sharing Demands)