Интересности #120 7 июля 2018 Ссылки Комментарии (0) Вот что можно почитать на досуге. .NET Introducing .NET Core 2.1 Flagship Types: Span T and Memory T Detecting that a .NET Core app is running in a Docker Container and SkippableFacts in XUnit Deep Dive into Microsoft Configuration ASP.NET ASP.NET Razor: решение некоторых проблем с архитектурой для модели представления ASP.NET Core 2 - Architecture And Design Pattern Ideology ASP.NET Core OData now Available Authentication Using Facebook In ASP.NET Core 2.0 An ASP.NET Core Razor Pages Bootstrap 4 Application using Webpack, Typescript, and npm Build Real-time Applications with ASP.NET Core SignalR Adding localization to the ASP.NET Core Identity Pages Using ASP.NET Core Razor Views from a Class Library Azure Using Azure Functions v2 proxies to avoid CORS issues How to change Application Insights Chart Styles? New Azure #CosmosDB Explorer now in public preview Azure Search – Announcing the general availability of synonyms Introducing static website hosting for Azure Storage CSS CSS Variables explained with 5 examples REACT A Guide to the React Ecosystem Testing React components using Jest and Enzyme