Интересности #127 5 октября 2018 Ссылки Комментарии (0) В этот раз получилась достаточно большая подборка статей включающая в себя добрую порцию анонсов. .NET Подводные камни HttpClient в .NET Update on .NET Core 3.0 and .NET Framework 4.8 The danger of TaskCompletionSource<T> class Blazor 0.6.0 experimental release now available Microsoft Ignite for .NET Developers Performance in .NET – Part 1 BenchmarkMockNet: Benchmarking .NET Mocking Libraries ASP.NET Announcing ASP.NET SignalR 2.4.0 Preview 1 Azure Microsoft Ignite 2018 Top Announcements: Build Azure Weekly Special Try Azure CosmosDB for 30 days free, no commitment or sign up Expanding to more Azure regions for online migration Introducing Azure Functions 2.0 Azure Functions 2.0: Create, debug and deploy to Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Serverless Apps with Azure Functions Announcing Bring your own Storage to App Service Announcing General Availability of Azure SQL Database Managed Instance Migration in Azure Database Migration Service How to securely connect to Azure from C# and run REST APIs Translate Text Into Multiple Languages Using Translator Text API With ASP.NET Core And C# How To Use Azure Redis Cache In C# Deep dive into Azure Artifacts Entity Framework Code First Approach In ASP.NET Core MVC With EF Core Migration Tools 10 лучших VS Code-расширений 2018 года для фронтенд-разработчиков Azure Data Studio for SQL Server Visual Studio 2017 version 15.9 Preview 3 Getting started writing Visual Studio extensions .NET Tools – Amazing list of OpenSource .NET tools and resources Unit testing memory leaks using dotMemory Unit Create A .NET Core Development Environment Using Visual Studio Code Part One Part Two Web design How to Create an Effective 404 Error Page How to Properly Copyright a Website - Legal & HTML Requirements