Интересности #151 10 мая 2019 Ссылки Комментарии (0) Впереди два выходных дня, а значит есть время почитать и узнать что-то новое. .NET Introducing .NET 5 (Перевод) .NET Core Diagnostics Overview .NET Core is the Future of .NET Announcing .NET Core 3.0 Preview 5 Introducing diagnostics improvements in .NET Core 3.0 Lessons Learnt: Migrating From Net Framework to Net Core - Net Standard Libraries and Net Framework 4.6.1 ASP.NET Implement Microsoft And Twitter Based Authentication In ASP.NET Core 2.2 ASP.NET Core updates in .NET Core 3.0 Preview 5 Lightweight custom authentication with ASP.NET Core Azure A deep dive into what’s new with Azure Cognitive Services Creating Event-Based Workflows With Azure Durable Functions Announcing the public preview of Azure Image Builder Development TensorFlow для начинающих. Часть 1: общие сведения, установка библиотеки MICROSOFT BUILD 2019: Visual Studio expands, .NET evolves and Windows gets a kernel Introducing the new Microsoft.Data.SqlClient Entity Framework Announcing Entity Framework 6.3 Preview with .NET Core Support JavaScript Создание многопользовательской веб-игры в жанре .io Паттерны проектирования в современной JavaScript-разработке Оказывает ли React плохое влияние на Angular? Machine Learning [Build 2019] Welcome to the world of Machine Learning with ML.NET 1.0 [Build 2019] Machine learning with ML.Net Machine Learning with ML.NET 1.0 from Build 2019 React Performance Profiling Your React App Tools Announcing the general availability of IntelliCode plus a sneak peek Анонсирован Windows Vision Skills (Preview) Visual Studio Container Tools Extension (Preview) Announcement Announcing WSL 2 A new Console for Windows - It's the open source Windows Terminal Practicalities of deploying dockerized ASP.NET Core application to Heroku Starting with Docker and ASP.NET Core