Интересности #86 2 декабря 2016 Ссылки Комментарии (0) Давайте посмотрим что можно почитать на выходных и в свободное время. .NET .NET Portability Analyzer .NET Productivity Improvements .NET Standard 2.0 - Making Sense of .NET Again .NET Standard 2.0: Setting Expectations Straight ASP.NET Fast track your Angular 2 and .NET Core web app development ASP.NET Core: Using third-party DI/IoC containers ASP.NET Core Action Arguments Validation using an ActionFilter ASP. NET Core – Creating custom Tag Helpers Integrate HangFire With ASP.NET Core WEB API Data Security in ASP.NET Core Creating a New View Engine in ASP.NET Core Custom ModelBinding in ASP.NET MVC Core ASP.NET Core Authentication in a Load Balanced Environment with HAProxy and Redis Azure AWS Lambda Supports C# Visual Studio Tools for Azure Functions Publishing ASP.NET Core 1.1 applications to Azure using git deploy DocumentDB Updates: Local Emulator and .NET Core Preview SDK Introducing Microsoft Stream Development «Шесть умов» UX Дизайна TypeScript TypeScript 2.1 RC: Better Inference, Async Functions, and More Visual Studio and Team Services Личный опыт: организация Workflow в трекере TFS Start building ASP.NET Core 1.1 with TFS